@askvinh: I came across this incredible science teacher on Youtube @tamuphysastr which I had to make a video about 🤯 We can learn so much from her communication style and why she's so engaging as a teacher. Check out more of her content on Youtube! PS. My favourite teacher was Mrs Beecham from PGPS, I remember her because of how enthusiastic she was and because she cared about me. She made me feel seen!
Vinh Giang
Region: AU
Tuesday 05 September 2023 15:00:00 GMT
Bryan S Brake :
Mr Elliott Simpson. He was funny, incredibly smart and treated us all like human beings, not just a job.
2023-09-06 18:24:44
lara :
I love my maths and chem teacher because she is very interesting in The way she thinks, and she speaks allot about her experiences and life lessons
2023-09-05 15:12:59
bryon300 :
Evers. Recreational Basketball class. We’d run laps first every class. Before it’d start I’d sit next to him and talk, this class he’d said it’s time
2023-09-06 17:47:13
Ian :
His name was Dareck. He was my social studies/history and English teacher. Hi is the only one that ever made me like Social Studies.
2023-09-06 12:41:18
Valentina :
None unfortunately… all so boring… even the one that was supposed to teach us gum was boring… his voice made you sleep in a second 😅
2023-09-06 07:27:54
sizeof(T) :
My most memorable teacher was my history teacher. We discussed a lot, his voice, body language and tone always made him super interesting to listen to
2023-10-30 17:26:44
Love to clean :
But how do you demonstrate English?
2023-09-06 01:13:30
M :
Miss Protheroe - high school maths teacher that put so much in you felt like you owed it to her and she just loved the subject.
2023-09-11 20:19:41
Yao Le | Vantage Tutor :
She’s amazing to watch 🔥
2023-09-05 15:12:31
I had a physics teacher that was this lively. He’d draw hearts around formulas and tell us how beautiful it was 😆
2023-09-07 12:22:37
Halohalo Boutique :
I love science 🧪🔭. you'll experience this if you're attending an expensive school 😊🥰
2023-11-06 14:40:09
saffydarling :
Parko. Stood on lab bench and shook flour over a large bunsen burner. fireball scorched the ceiling 🤭
2023-11-01 12:59:27
rebecca powell :
Mrs Doogan (science)- taught my older siblings and I. She always made up songs and did silly actions so we could remember what it is she was teaching
2023-09-10 11:04:06
River Studio :
Sheila Bancroft-first grade teacher. She wore her hair up in a big bun and let her pet flying squirrel hang out in her hair; I was attentive! 🐹
2023-09-07 03:00:42
NC :
My music teacher when I was 16: he taught us to truly listen to music, explaining the fabric of compositions from Mozart, Vivaldi…
2023-11-01 21:07:28
sarah summers :
Mrs McNealy. Little old lady that taught college algebra! She was an awesome teacher!
2023-09-06 02:22:26
What if life happened :
Mr Clote. He threw a blackboard duster block at us if we daydreamed in his class. 🤣🤣
2023-09-05 21:07:15
Val :
Mr. McLean was so captivating as a history teacher. he broke yardsticks on desks describing exciting moments of history. haha.
2023-09-06 04:47:59
okukudavid0 :
Mrs. Gloria
biology teach... explained bios in the most simplified way
2023-09-06 21:25:51
dee.abrahamson :
Mr Bremner, loud and very expressive x
2023-09-06 06:47:57
Claire Tzavalas :
My kids high school environmental science teacher took them dumpster diving to teach them about waste and recycling. They LOVE him!
2023-09-05 19:10:42
Thandani_ :
Ms Henry : She always understood how students (me) saw things and objected to the status quo
2023-09-05 17:26:36
Sive Ndlovu :
Where do I go to sign up for her class?
2023-09-05 15:40:46
Sam :
mario and claude they were geography teachers in high school and great storytellers telling about their travels.
2024-06-22 03:10:57
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