@rinaslibrary07: #MarieLynch I wish I wrote Murphy instead of Lynch because fuck Teddy but I forgot anyways I could never hate her I know she did a lot of bad shit and was a bad mother but idc she deserved better the same as her kids and I feel so bad for her. || Binding/ Keeping 13 and Saving/Redeeming 6 by PROBLAMATIC AUTHOR ⚠️ Ch*oe Walsh || #shannonlynch #johnnnykavanagh #binding13 #keeping13 #joeylynch #aoifemolloy #bindingkeeping13 #savingredeeming6 #taming7 #lizzieyoung #hughiebiggs #clairebiggs #geradgibson #patrickfeely #boysoftommen #katiewilmot #foryoupage #viral #fyp #foryou #fakebody #fake #fakeeverything #BookTok #bookedit #bookcharacters #bookcharactersaesthetics