@nezlamna.delta_komitet: Дякуючи спільній роботі Поліції, Прокуратури, Народного Розбійника, Громадян та «Комітету по боротьбі зі злочинністю проти Української Нації», законність та правда Перемогли. Але відчуваю, то ще не кінець, тому ми будемо й на далі контролювати, щоб усі отримали що заслуговують. Не словом, а ділом❤️🖤 #ne3lamna_delta #народнийрозбійник #відьма #незламнадельта #вовчиця #антидроновісітки #іринавойтенко #псевдоволонтери #бориспіль #благодійнийфондмавка #мавкаволонтери #гуманітарнадопомога #шахраї #волонтеришахраї

Open In TikTok:
Region: UA
Monday 17 February 2025 09:10:34 GMT




Irina Maksimova :
Яка застава? Таких треба судити!
2025-02-17 09:56:51
Ирина Сайко :
яка застава, вона згноїла всю гуманітарну допомогу, хай відповідає за свої дії
2025-02-17 13:02:55
shsssjjsjss :
де справедливість? скільки воїнив загинуло,бо захисні сітки гнили, машини стояли,а вивести поранених не було чим ,під суд і повічно
2025-02-17 14:29:25
Світлана Бецко :
За всю гумонітарку хай виплатить.І до 15 років в'язниці..
2025-02-17 09:59:49
ZLOii NiK 😎 :
під час війни таких вішати треба на площі привселюдно
2025-02-18 06:09:29
nika :
ну де це таке є всих під заставу нахер такі суди ?
2025-02-17 14:43:43
Віктор Ліщенко :
Дожимайте її до кінця, покровителі її кинуть скоро молодці.😁😏🥰
2025-02-17 09:25:46
Ніл :
Увага ! Розповсюдження ! Не дайте їй втекти !
2025-02-17 13:11:35
Mіра :
Молодці хлопці,добилися справедливості.
2025-02-17 12:22:43
elen1998 :
А хто там з військових божився що вона свята?Тим військовим ніякої допомоги...
2025-02-17 10:39:53
dyqbuaa0jr2c :
ой.скільки ще таких мавок,то просто жах.
2025-02-17 17:13:42
Alla :
ці "волонтери" стільки накрали що для неї ця застава раз плюнути
2025-02-17 19:41:07
Жанна Люба :
Яка застава ? В неї яка зарплата ??? Кровавими грошима розраховується ?
2025-02-17 13:27:04
# :
В тюрму довічно
2025-02-17 14:47:10
Liubov Bohun 88 :
та ви вже замахали своїми заставами!!!!!!!!це ви напряму даєте можливість відкупитись!!!!!
2025-02-17 10:51:10
Галина :
Хлопці повага Вам дожимайте доведіть до кінця 👍👍👍👍
2025-02-17 14:27:02
Надія :
От і вся правда,просто всі посміялись над хлопцями.Позор
2025-02-17 14:43:42
Варвара :
А можна було б і без застави. А то мільярдерів під заставу. Теке якесь. Воно накрало, а то ді ж за ті награбовані відкупиться. Цирк та й годі. Їх до стіни і розстрілювать, без суда і слідства.
2025-02-17 10:28:02
Plottarium :
Вона спаплюжили репутацію всіх нормальних волонтерів, яка застава
2025-02-17 19:38:23
Valentina Дніпро :
вона стоїть ділова як наче не до неї
2025-02-17 15:04:14
5_larisa.sirivnia5 :
Самий гуманний суд, позорище.😡😡😡
2025-02-17 16:08:59
зрадники зраджували і зливали :
яка застава , того суддю на передок , щоб він зрозумів там , як потрібні ті речі там , що вона згноїла !
2025-02-18 07:21:10
тюрьма її дом
2025-02-17 10:39:25
Та вона нагуманітарила не один лям 😡😡яка застава 😡😡😡
2025-02-17 13:13:43
To see more videos from user @nezlamna.delta_komitet, please go to the Tikwm homepage.

Other Videos

The Top 3 Signs That You’re Obsessed with Your Ex “Alright, let’s talk about the top three signs that you’re still obsessing over your ex. And hey, don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Getting over someone you were close to is hard. But if any of these sound a little too familiar, it might be time to make some changes. I’ll even throw in some psychology-backed insights, so we know this isn’t just me talking here. 1. You’re constantly checking their social media. Like, obsessively. Maybe you’re scrolling through their Instagram feed, checking who’s liking their photos, watching their stories the minute they go up. According to studies on social media and breakup recovery, this behavior isn’t harmless. Psychologists like Tara Marshall have found that stalking an ex’s social media can actually prolong the heartbreak and keep us emotionally stuck. It’s like pouring salt on a wound. So if you’re finding it impossible to stop watching what they’re up to, it’s a pretty clear sign that you’re not moving on as well as you might think. 2. You keep romanticizing the relationship and ignoring the bad parts. Ever find yourself idealizing the “good times,” reminiscing about that one amazing trip you took or the nice things they used to say? Look, it’s normal to remember the good parts. But if you’re conveniently forgetting why the relationship ended or why you weren’t happy together, you’re falling into what’s called ‘rosy retrospection bias’—psychologists call this our tendency to remember the past in a more positive light than it actually was. This doesn’t help anyone! Because when you rewrite history to make it seem perfect, it’s harder to accept why it didn’t work and, more importantly, why it shouldn’t work again. 3. You’re comparing everyone to your ex. Let’s be real: if every new person you meet just “doesn’t measure up,” it might not be because they’re not right for you. It could be that you’re measuring them against someone who is no longer in your life—and for good reason. Psychologists call this the “ex effect,” where you idealize a past partner so much that no one can compete. But here’s the thing: if you’re constantly holding every new person to your ex’s standards, you’re not really giving them a fair chance. You’re stuck in a cycle that will only reinforce your obsession and prevent real, healthy connections. So, if you’re doing any of these three things, it’s a sign that maybe it’s time to hit the brakes and focus on what you need to heal. Moving on isn’t easy, but taking a step back can help us get perspective, let go of the past, and open ourselves up to something new and better.” Remember, the higher you climb, the better the view. Let me encourage you to climb higher. You deserve to be happy.
The Top 3 Signs That You’re Obsessed with Your Ex “Alright, let’s talk about the top three signs that you’re still obsessing over your ex. And hey, don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Getting over someone you were close to is hard. But if any of these sound a little too familiar, it might be time to make some changes. I’ll even throw in some psychology-backed insights, so we know this isn’t just me talking here. 1. You’re constantly checking their social media. Like, obsessively. Maybe you’re scrolling through their Instagram feed, checking who’s liking their photos, watching their stories the minute they go up. According to studies on social media and breakup recovery, this behavior isn’t harmless. Psychologists like Tara Marshall have found that stalking an ex’s social media can actually prolong the heartbreak and keep us emotionally stuck. It’s like pouring salt on a wound. So if you’re finding it impossible to stop watching what they’re up to, it’s a pretty clear sign that you’re not moving on as well as you might think. 2. You keep romanticizing the relationship and ignoring the bad parts. Ever find yourself idealizing the “good times,” reminiscing about that one amazing trip you took or the nice things they used to say? Look, it’s normal to remember the good parts. But if you’re conveniently forgetting why the relationship ended or why you weren’t happy together, you’re falling into what’s called ‘rosy retrospection bias’—psychologists call this our tendency to remember the past in a more positive light than it actually was. This doesn’t help anyone! Because when you rewrite history to make it seem perfect, it’s harder to accept why it didn’t work and, more importantly, why it shouldn’t work again. 3. You’re comparing everyone to your ex. Let’s be real: if every new person you meet just “doesn’t measure up,” it might not be because they’re not right for you. It could be that you’re measuring them against someone who is no longer in your life—and for good reason. Psychologists call this the “ex effect,” where you idealize a past partner so much that no one can compete. But here’s the thing: if you’re constantly holding every new person to your ex’s standards, you’re not really giving them a fair chance. You’re stuck in a cycle that will only reinforce your obsession and prevent real, healthy connections. So, if you’re doing any of these three things, it’s a sign that maybe it’s time to hit the brakes and focus on what you need to heal. Moving on isn’t easy, but taking a step back can help us get perspective, let go of the past, and open ourselves up to something new and better.” Remember, the higher you climb, the better the view. Let me encourage you to climb higher. You deserve to be happy.
